Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011


Dengan aplikasi ini, anda dimungkinkan untuk berbagi (sharing) akses internet lewat ponsel ber-Wifi. JoikuSpot sendiri ditawarkan dalam dua versi, berbayar dan gratisan alias 'light' yang tentunya ada pemangkasan beberapa fitur.

Menariknya aplikasi yang kompatibel untuk ponsel symbian S60 3rd edition dan S60 5rd editioin seperti Nokia N95, N97, atau nokia 5800 XpressMusic ini juga bisa diterapkan pada layanan instant Messaging client (skype, Google Talk dan lain sebagainya).

Buat yang kepingin menjajalnya, teman teman bisa mengunjungi http://www.joiku.com

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

Kamus SEO Bagian 1

Terdapat banyak istilah dalam SEO mungkin buat kalian yang masih belum mengenal lebih banyak tentang SEO nich aku ada sedikit kamus seputar SEO

Algoritma adalah suatu set terbatas, memerintahkan langkah-langkah untuk memecahkan masalah matematika. Setiap Search Engine menggunakan algoritma kepemilikan yang ditetapkan untuk menghitung relevansi halaman diindeks nya web untuk Query khusus Anda. Hasil dari proses ini adalah daftar peringkat situs dalam urutan mesin pencari yang dianggap paling relevan. Algoritma mesin pencari yang dijaga ketat untuk mencegah eksploitasi hasil algoritmik. Algoritma pencarian juga sering berubah untuk memasukkan data baru dan meningkatkan relevansi.

Hasil algoritmik
Hasil algoritmik adalah daftar peringkat mesin pencari memberikan sebagai respons terhadap Query. Mereka sering disebut sebagai Organik Listings kontras dengan Paid Listings karena peringkat mereka didasarkan pada relevansi daripada pendapatan iklan dibayarkan kepada mesin pencari. Namun, daftar dibayar lakukan ditampilkan di samping hasil algoritmik dalam banyak mesin pencari, asalkan mereka relevan. Meningkatkan hasil yang belum dibayar sebuah website algoritmik dikenal sebagai Alam Search Engine Optimization.

Alt Tag / Alt Teks
Sebuah alt tag HTML adalah teks yang muncul ketika gambar sedang loading atau ketika kursor berada di atas gambar. Alt teks berguna dalam Search Engine Optimization karena dapat memasukkan kata kunci bahwa sebuah mesin pencari mencari dalam menanggapi permintaan.

Analisis mengacu pada semua, pemrograman teknologi, dan data yang digunakan dalam Search Engine Marketing untuk menganalisis kinerja sebuah website atau keberhasilan kampanye pemasaran Internet.

Teks jangkar
Juga dikenal sebagai link teks, teks jangkar teks, terlihat diklik antara jangkar dan tag HTML. Mengklik teks jangkar mengaktifkan Hyperlink ke situs web lain. Anchor text sangat penting dalam Search Engine Optimization karena algoritma mesin pencari Hyperlink mempertimbangkan kata kunci sebagai relevan dengan Landing Page.

Juga dikenal sebagai link kembali, mundur link, atau inbound link, backlink adalah semua link pada website lain yang mengarahkan pengguna yang mengklik pada mereka ke situs Anda. Backlinks secara signifikan dapat meningkatkan peringkat pencarian situs Anda, terutama jika mereka berisi kata kunci Anchor Text relevan dengan situs Anda dan terletak di situs dengan Page Rank tinggi.

Juga dikenal sebagai dihapuskan atau blacklist, situs dilarang adalah URL yang telah dihapus dari indeks mesin pencari, biasanya untuk terlibat dalam Black Hat SEO. Situs yang terlarang akan diabaikan oleh mesin pencari.

Iklan Banner
Sebuah iklan banner adalah iklan grafis persegi panjang. Iklan Banner adalah salah satu bentuk paling umum dari iklan online. Ukuran mereka bervariasi, tetapi piksel ukuran paling 468 lebar 60 piksel tinggi. Mengklik iklan banner akan mengarahkan Anda ke situs web pengiklan atau ditunjuk Landing Page.

Black Hat SEO
SEO topi hitam adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk teknik optimasi tidak etis atau menipu. Ini termasuk Spam, Cloaking, atau melanggar aturan mesin pencari dengan cara apapun. Jika mesin pencari menemukan situs terlibat dalam Black Hat SEO akan menghapus situs itu dari Indeks nya.

Daftar Hitam
Juga dikenal sebagai dilarang atau dihapuskan, sebuah situs daftar hitam adalah sebuah URL yang telah dihapus dari indeks mesin pencari, biasanya untuk terlibat dalam Black Hat SEO. Situs daftar hitam diabaikan oleh mesin pencari.

Broken Link
Juga dikenal sebagai link mati, link yang rusak adalah link yang tidak ada titik lagi ke tujuan aktif atau Landing Page. Search engine tidak menyukai link yang rusak. Menjaga semua situs Anda link aktif adalah bagian penting dari optimasi yang sedang berlangsung.

Klik Penipuan
Klik Penipuan adalah praktek ilegal memanipulasi Biaya-Per-Klik (BPK) atau Pay-Per-Klik (PPC) perjanjian pembagian pendapatan. Ada berbagai jenis penipuan klik, tetapi dalam skenario khas webmaster dari sebuah situs yang menghasilkan uang dari setiap klik link iklan itu menerbitkan individu membayar biaya yang kecil untuk mengklik link tersebut. Perusahaan sehingga membayar untuk iklan untuk klien yang tidak berniat membeli dari mereka. Beberapa perusahaan telah mengajukan gugatan class action menyatakan bahwa iklan penerbit seperti Google dan Yahoo! telah gagal untuk secara agresif menghadapi penipuan klik karena mereka mendapatkan keuntungan dari pendapatan BPK meningkat.

Klik-melalui mengacu pada satu contoh dari pengguna mengklik pada link iklan atau situs daftar dan bergerak ke Landing Page. Rate Klik-Melalui tinggi (RKPT) adalah salah satu tujuan utama dari Search Engine Optimization.

Klik-Melalui Rate (CTR)
Klik per tayang adalah persentase pengguna yang mengklik link iklan atau situs mesin pencari daftar dari jumlah orang yang melihatnya, yaitu empat klik-throughs dari sepuluh pandangan adalah RKPT 40%.

Cloaking adalah presentasi dari halaman alternatif untuk Spider mesin pencari sehingga akan merekam isi yang berbeda untuk sebuah URL dari apa browser manusia akan melihat. Cloaking biasanya dilakukan untuk mencapai posisi lebih tinggi mesin pencari atau untuk mengelabui pengguna agar mengunjungi sebuah situs. Dalam kasus seperti cloaking dianggap Black Hat SEO dan URL yang menyinggung bisa Daftar Hitam. Namun, cloaking kadang-kadang digunakan untuk menyampaikan materi yang bersifat pribadi berdasarkan alamat IP browser dan / atau agen-pengguna HTTP header. Cloaking tersebut hanya boleh dilakukan dengan pengetahuan mesin pencari atau bisa juga ditafsirkan sebagai cloaking topi hitam.

Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

Koleksi foto ayu ting ting

Kemana kemana kemana tentu sudah tidak asing lagi lirik lagu seperti itu. siapa yang ga tau penyanyi dangdut Ayu Ting Ting Alamat Palsu. Ayu Tingting saat ini sedang booming dengan lagu yang benar-benar salah alamat dengan judul Alamat Palsu. Kalo kalian penggemar dangdut tentunya kenal dengan Ayu Ting Ting Jika iya maka nama Ayu Tingting mungkin tidak asing di telinga anda, tapi bagaimana dengan yang belum pernah mengenalnya si cantik. nich biodatanya :
  • Nama : Ayu Tingting
  • Tempat/tgl lahir : Depok, 20 Juni 1992
  • Profesi : Penyanyi dangdut, presenter, model
  • Tinggi badan : 160 cm
  • Berat badan : 45 kg
  • Prestasi : Bintang sari ayu 2006, Putri Depok 2006, Mojang Depok,Presenter Kuis (ANTV), Album      Dangdut (Geol Ajep2)
  • Album : Dangdut (Rekening Cinta), Goyang Sejati (ANTV), Dangdut Yoo (TPI), Kamera Ria (TVRI), Dangdut Pro (TVRI) Foto Ayu Ting Ting Alamat Palsu

Naach buat yang suka ayu tingting atau lagi deman ayu tingting nich ada sedikit koleksi fotonya klik link download dibawah ini .

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011


Teman teman semua tentunya udah ga sabar ya dengan update pemain terbaru club jaggoan anda .Terutama pencinta PES 06, nich saya kasih update nya yang bulan september dari mulai club-club yang baru promosi seperti QPR, Swansea dan lain lain, dan juga transfer pemain,kaos baru, sepatu semua udah baru ya tergantung skill kalian dalam bermain apakah sudah baru,hehe.
oiaa ada dua pilihan updatenya, pilih aja ya sesuai selera masing-masing.
Nich saya langsung kasih linknya, langsung saja kalian download :
> ada tambahan liga brazil dan argentina :DOWNLOAD
>yang satu lagu liga standar tapi udah yahuudz nich klik : DOWNLOAD

Sosial Bookmarking indonesia

Sosial bookmark memang mebantu dalam indexing sebuah situs untuk dapat Page Ranking yang baik. Nich ada sedikit SB buat temen - temen semua buat tambah tambah z ya,,



Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

Download Cherry Belle - Dilema Mp3 dan Liriknya

Maraknya boyband dan girlband yang ada ini adalah salah satu girlband yang paling banyak disukai. Meskipun mulai banyak bermunculan Girlband yang sejenis, tapi CHERRYBELLE mempunyai sesuatu yang layak untuk mendapat apresiasi lebih. Selain cantik, usia masih muda yang memungkinkan mereka bergerak lebih enerjik, gaya nge dance yang lebih powerfull dan variatif serta karakter vocal yang kuat membuat CHERRYBELLE diharapkan menjadi sebuah Girlband yang akan menginspirasi banyak remaja Indonesia..CHERRYBELLE A.K.A ChiBi...
Cherry yang berarti Manis dan Belle berarti Cantik, sedangkan Chibi berarti kecil dan lucu.. nama CHERRYBELLE ini merupakan gambaran yang sangat pas untuk 9 cewek yang dibentuk dari hasil audisi 3 tahap ini dimana mereka berhasil menyisihkan ratusan cewek lainnnya untuk menjadi CHERRYBELLE...mereka Cherly, Angel, Wenda, Ryn, Christy, Felly, Devi, Gigi dan Anisa.
Kemunculan perdana CHERRYBELLE ini dimulai dengan perilisan single pertama mereka yang berjudul DILEMA.
Lagu sweet pop yang diciptakan oleh Catur Septembrianto ini menceritakan tentang perasaan seorang cewek terhadap cowok yang ternyata adalah pacar sahabatnya..dan akhirnya dia memilih untuk melupakan cowok itu daripada menyakiti sahabatnya.
Naach berikut lirik lagunya Cherrybelle - Dilema :

Tuhan tolong aku
Ku tak dapat menahan rasa didadaku
Ingin aku memiliki
Namun dia ada yang punya

Tuhan bantu aku
Ternyata dia kekasih sahabatku
Entah apa yang harus ku katakan
Hatiku bimbang jadi tak menentu

Bukan maksud diriku melukai hatimu
Namun aku juga wanita
Yang ingin merasakan cinta

Never never want you
Really really love you
Maafkan aku mengecewakanmu
Really really love you
Never never leave you
Segera aku melupakan dirinya

Never never want you
Really really love you
Maafkan aku mengecewakanmu
Really really love you
Never never leave you
Segera aku melupakan dirinya

Bukan maksud diriku melukai hatimu
Namun aku juga wanita
Yang ingin merasa jatuh cinta

Never never want you
Really really love you
Maafkan aku mengecewakanmu
Really really love you
Never never leave you
Segera aku melupakan dirinya

Never never want you
Really really love you
Maafkan aku mengecewakanmu
Really really love you
Never never leave you
Segera aku melupakan dirinya
> Niich gua tambahin link download lagu mp3nya

Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

code GTA san andreas versi pc

Naach buat temen temen yang suka main GTA di pc niiich aku ada code-code nya buat lebih seru mainnya. maaf ya kalo kata-kata gue belepotan ma'lum lah bukan tipe yang suka nulis gitu..hehe
nniich liat di bawah cheat GTA san andreas :

LXGIWYL = senjata 1
UZUMYMW = senjata 3
HESOYAM = darah, armor, duit
BAGUVIX = nyawa ga terbatas
CVWKXAM = lung capacity ga terbatas
ANOSEONGLASS = adrenalin mode
FULLCLIP = amunisi ga erbatas
TURNUPTHEHEAT = mendapat 2 wanted level
TURNDOWNTHEHEAT = hapus semua wanted level
BTCDBCB = gemuk
BUFFMEUP = max otot
KVGYZQK = kerempeng
AEZAKMI = ga pernah dicari polisi
BRINGITON = wanted level bintang 6
WORSHIPME = max respect
HELLOLADIES = Max Sex Appeal
VKYPQCF = Max Stamina
PROFESSIONALKILLER = level hitman di semua senjata
NATURALTALENT = max semua skill kendaraan [ darat, laut, udara]
OLDSPEEDDEMON = Bloodring Banger
JQNTDMH = Rancher
VROCKPOKEY = hotring racer 1
VPJTQWV = hotring racer 2
TRUEGRIME = Trashmaster
KGGGDKP = Vortex Hovercraft
AIYPWZQP = Parachute
OHDUDE = Hunter
AMOMHRER = Tanker Truck
CPKTNWT = hancurkan semua mobil
WHEELSONLYPLEASE = mobil tembus pandang
STICKLIKEGLUE = handling sempurna
ZEIIVG = lampu lalu lintas hijau terus
YLTEICZ = pengemudi gila
LLQPFBN = mobil pink
IOWDLAC = mobil hitam
FLYINGFISH = perahu terbang
EVERYONEISPOOR = semua mobil butut
EVERYONEISRICH = semua mobil keren
JCNRUAD = Smash n' Boom
SPEEDFREAK = semua mobil ber NOS
BUBBLECARS = mobil melayang kalau ditabrak
OUIQDMW = bisa membidik dari mobil
GHOSTTOWN = ga ada mobil
FVTMNBZ = mobil-mobil desa
BMTPWHR = mobil mobil dan orang desa

SPEEDITUP = Gameplay lebih cepat
SLOWITDOWN = Gameplay lebih lambat
AJLOJYQY = pejalan kaki salig menyerang dapet tongkat golf
BAGOWPG = dapat bounty di kepalamu
FOOOXFT = semua orang bersenjata
BLUESUEDESHOES = elvis dimana mana
BGLUAWML = pejalan kaki menyerangmu dengan senjata
LIFESABEACH= pesta pantai
ONLYHOMIESALLOWED = Geng dimana-mana
BIFBUZZ = geng mengontrol jalanan
NINJATOWN = yakuza
BEKKNQV = fans club
CJPHONEHOME = melompat pakai BMX jadi tinggi
KANGAROO = CJ melompat tinggi
STATEOFEMERGENCY = RUSUHH!!!!! [persis kayak mei 1998]
CRAZYTOWN = carnaval
SJMAHPE = merekrut siapa saja [dapat pistol]
ROCKETMAYHEM = rekrut siapa saja [dapat RPG]
TOODAMNHOT = sangat panas
ALNSFMZO = Overcast
AUIFRVQS = hujan
CFVFGMJ = berkabut
YSOHNUL = jam lebih cepat
NIGHTPROWLER = selalu jam 00.00
OFVIAC = selalu jam 21.00
CWJXUOC = badai debu

oo iya jangan lupa ya di share ke temen-temen yang lain.

Rabu, 20 Juli 2011

Portable Mini Real Time Tracker GSM GPRS GPS Tracker MGPS-TK102

Portable Mini Real Time Tracker GSM GPRS GPS Tracker MGPS-TK102 The instantaneous fairly easy in use, the device works on GPS satellite network GSM/GPRS-850/900/1800/1900MHZ and positioning system to track distant objects with a short message, internet , tablet or smartphone. It is not difficult to use this device. Tracking reporting can use SMS so it does not require a special platform and will reduce costs for the server.
If you have a vehicle rental business, or someone very important so you should know where their existence, then you need a tool called a "tracker". When the first tracker device is bulky and expensive, not anymore. Like those of the MGPS-TK102. This tool can keep track of rental vehicle or engine outdoor, monitor a child or children who suffer from specific diseases of concern when you are away from home. This tool can also be used to protect other important person, you can even keep track of your employees who are out of town.

With the relatively small size, 46 x 64 x 17 mm and weighs only 40 grams, the device this one already has an antenna and an internal battery so it is easy to carry or inserted at certain places.
Standard functions this tool can actually track in real time (instantaneous) to position latitude, longitude and digital maps. Even though the tracked object is placed in underground locations where no signal is found, the tool will still be able to report the final position has ever tracked. This tool also has an auto-tracking capability that can be set based reporting intervals or specific times. With the ability of SOS and monitoring functions, this tool can also report if the position was out of position or area that has been determined.
When placed on the vehicle, this tool can be reported when the vehicle traveling in excess of a predetermined speed. E-lock function on the tool allows you to send SMS and stop the flow of oil or off the vehicle remotely.
Specifications: GPS chip: SIRF3; Channel: 20; Sensitivity:-159dBm; Precision: within 5 meters; Tracking time: Warm operation is 1s in average, cold operation is 35S in average; Recharge: on car (input 12V, output 5V), recharge on flashboard (input 110-220V, output 5V) Li-battery: rechargeable / replaceable 3.7V, 800mAh lithium-battery; Price: $ 54.50
Package Purchase:
1x GPS tracker, 1x AC adapter, 2x Batteries, 1x User manual 1x magnetic back cover, water proof bag 1X, 1X CD, 1xCar Charger (optional), Adaptor for connecting directly with the 12V vehicle power (optional); Packing Details: 1set / gift box, 40sets/Carton, GW: 16kg/CTN, NW: 15kg/CTN, Carton Size: 50cm * 40cm * 20cm

more info about tech klick here

Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Site For The BlackBerry girl

For those who feel girly, and you want to modify the appearance Blacberry. try to come to the site www.blackberrychick.com. blackberry is indeed special site on the allotment for women.

site overlay with pink color indicates that the site attempts to appeal to users blackberrychick blackberry women. that is not less interesting, sub menu wallpapers and themes that are in it contains various images and themes that symbolize feminimisme. 
So also with the applications reviewed. substantially all of your needs associated with blackberries themed woman on this site. and do not worry, this site also presents a fairly complete information for single women or married.at this site also has forums where users can discuss with other blackberries. These facilities can be enjoyed with a register first, curious is not it? Ayoo girls go through the site http://blacberrychick.com

Related Posted :

Review Specifications BlackBerry Playbook 

site to maximize your android 

10 most popular mobile in indonesia

what is Android 

 collection sites blackberry tips








Senin, 18 Juli 2011

Review Specifications BlackBerry Playbook

Review BlackBerry Playbook

Complementary Just the Business Smartphone

Having announced in the fourth quarter last year and had delayed its release. Playbook can finally enjoy the loyal users the BlackBerry. As of this writing, the Playbook is officially only available in the North American market but at least you can find Playbook version of the BM in the local market with ease. What are the advantages and disadvantages of tablet RIM's this?

BlackBerry Playbook clearly not just a device that enters the arena of battle tablets without a weapon. Various features such as multi-tasking and browsers and be able to perform optimally Playbook differentiator with its competitors.
Unfortunately, the vital basic features such as email applications, contacts calendar is also not available by default and can only be obtained after connecting Playbook with BlackBerry smartphones. As of this writing, even BlackBerry Messenger is also not yet available in the Playbook. But do not worry for this one, the BlackBerry was setting it up via BlackBerry Bridge.
• Camera with video recorder 1080p
• Browser feature-rich
• Multitasking
• Lack of applications built
• Optimal when connected to BlackBerry smartphones

New Price: Rp. 6.700.000Harga Used:-Network: No Size / Weight: 194 x 130 x 10 mm / 425 gLayar: TFT capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors Display size: 600 x 1024 pixels, 7.0 inches - Multi-touch input method - Accelerometer sensor for auto -rotate Audio Jack: 3.5mm audio Jack Audio Features: No Speakerphone: Yes, with stereo speakers Internal Memory: 64 GB storage, 1 GB RAM External Memory: No 3G: No EDGE: No GPRS: No WLAN: Wi-Fi 802.11 a / b / g / n, WiMAX 802.16 eBluetooth: Yes, v2.1 with A2DP, EDR Infrared: No Cable Port: Yes, v2.0 microUSB Rear Camera: 5 MP, 2592x1944 pixels, autofocus Front Camera: Yes, 3 MPVideo Record : Yes, 1080pOS: BlackBerry Tablet OSCPU: 1GHz dual-core Cortex-A9 CPU, PowerVR SGX540 GPU, TI OMAP 4430 chipsetBrowser: HTMLGPS: No Messaging: Email, Push Email, IMJava: Yes, MIDP 2.1 - Micro HDMI port - Document viewer - Organizer - Adobe Flash 10.1 support - Predictive text inputRadio: No Stand by:-Talk Time:-Battery Type: Standard battery, Li-Po 5300 mAhVideo Player: - Video player DivX/WMV/XviD/3gpMP3 Player: - Media Player MP3 / WMA / AAC + Audio Record:-Multiple SIM Card: No TV: No

Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

site to maximize your android

Maximizing your android mobile phone, one of them by using applications that have different functions - different and unique categories as well. Let's look at the site androidzoom in which there is a wide range of applications such as games that are fun or for office.
Options are given quite a lot in each category is given. Because it is a site that menghususkan on the application, so as for diverse categories of multimedia to the comic. Almost every category that provided an average of more than 1000 applications.
The main menu is divided into two options presented by "most viewed applications" and "most downloaded applications". Do not be afraid to download because all the content provided Dapa be downloaded for free.
One plus point yangada on this site is updated from the applications summarized here. And lets not for you lovers of android to share with your friends, so you need not be afraid to miss the latest application updates.
Okay guys so please just visit his site and discover its wide range of applications in http://androidzoom.com/ and do not forget to visit my blog  for other information about the technology.

Selasa, 12 Juli 2011

10 most popular mobile in indonesia

Indonesia is a developing country and do not miss also the development of increasingly sophisticated technology.
Indonesia's mobile phone market with rapid growth. Given the large number of mobile users and the flood of various brands and types of mobile phones. Not only mobile products overseas, the local mobile phone was quite competitive with the new release with excellent products at affordable prices.

Here are the 10 most popular mobile search results based on data for June.

1. Apple iPhone 5. Until now, Apple never even gave an official statement about the Apple iPhone 5. Various rumors popping up that would make many people more curious. One rumor says that Apple has set up 15 million units Apple iPhone 5. The iPhone is thought to be produced in Taiwan and will be marketed in September this year.

Supposedly some observers phones, the latest generation of iPhone will not experience significant changes in appearance but will carry the A5 dual-core processor and 8-megapixel camera. In fact, some believe predicted the Apple iPhone 5 will have a dual-mode technology, CDMA as well as GSM. Peek assembly here.

2. Samsung S2 Galaxy. Samsung mobile brand more known by the people of Indonesia. One of the best-selling flagship phone is the Samsung Galaxy S2 which they categorize as super smartphones. In Indonesia, mobile phones contain ARM Cortex A9 processor dual-core, super screen plus a 4.3-inch AMOLED, applying Gingerbread and has an 8 megapixel camera is officially released on July 6, 2011. See the specifications here.

3. Nexian Champion. Stretching local mobile phone market began to rise in Indonesia, one of which is branded phones Nexian. Serious work on the domestic market, released Nexian Champion Nexian NX-G965 which features a touch screen, equipped with wifi and has the most wide-screen Touch Series Nexian among others.

4. Nexian Tap. This phone is a phone that was first in a series released by Nexian Nexian Touch Series. Nexian NX G868 TAP is a success in sales due to a very affordable price by the Indonesian market and become the first touch screen phone that comes with dual SIM card facility.

5. Nokia 6600. Phones that this one was never forgotten by the people of Indonesia. Evidenced by the number of searches on mobile phones is still very popular from 2004 to 2005. Now the price of this phone is more affordable than when first released in those years.

6. Nexian Cappuccino. Cell phones are already equipped with a wifi phone that is incorporated in Nexian Touch Series but has a screen measuring 3.2 inches and is priced under Nexian Champion.

7. Hape Esia Connect. This phone was released by cooperating with the Esia CDMA provider. This phone was launched under the name Hape Esia Connect. This phone is intended for low-end market with an affordable internet package and features a Facebook application.

8. Nokia C5. In order to penetrate the lower-middle market, Nokia released the Nokia Series C. Nokia C5 is already available on the market since last year but this year Nokia to regenerate by releasing Nokia C5-00 5MP. Compared with the old version, not much change from the view outside. The difference is that the camera has a resolution of 5 megapixels and a storage capacity and RAM data are much larger than the Nokia C5. This difference.

9. Nokia C3. At launch date of June 5, 2010 then, the phone is immediately invaded by the consumer. Because the phone is a phone that is very affordable with enough features complete and in line with consumer expectations. This phone is equipped with WiFi, QWERTY key board and added to the Nokia Communities and Push Mail.

10. BlackBerry Onyx. BlackBerry is very popular in Indonesia and one type that is still popular today is the BlackBerry Bold. This phone has the advantage of the BlackBerry OS 5, BIS, Pushmail, A-GPS, WiFi and HSDPA technology. In December 2010, Research In Motion released the latest version of BlackBery Bold 9780 or more popularly known as the BlackBerry Onyx 2. Superior to previous versions because it has hardware specifications and software that is more qualified to carry the BlackBerry OS 6, the size of 512 MB of RAM that is two-fold greater, and a 5 megapixel camera.

Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

what is Android

Right now the Android mobile air opersai system became popular in the world and become a serious rival of the mobile phone vendors (companies) that already exists such as Nokia, Blackberry and iPhone.
Sure you do not know clearly what it is Android so consider this article to know more about what operating system or a cell phone android android.
There are several things that make it difficult Android (yet) accepted by the Indonesian market, among others:
Most mobile phones using the Android touchscreen input that is less popular in Indonesia, Android requires a very fast internet connection to maximize the usefulness of the Internet service provider even though Indonesia is less reliable, and the latter assumption that Android is difficult to be operated (used) in comparison with Nokia or any kind hanpdhone Blackberry.
What is Android

Android is the operating system used in smartphones and tablet PCs. Its function is the same as in the Nokia Symbian operating system, IOS at Apple and BlackBerry OS.
Android is not tied to one brand of mobile phones alone, several well known vendors who have been using Android including Samsung, Sony Ericsson, HTC, Nexus, Motorola, and others.

Android was first developed by a company called Android Inc.., And in 2005 the acquisition by Internet giant Google. Android is made on the basis of a modified Linux kernel, and for each release its code-named by the name of food dish.

The main advantage Android is free and open source, making Android smartphones sold cheaper than the Blackberry or the iPhone even though the features (hardware) has to offer Android better.

Some key features of Android among others, WiFi hotspots, Multi-touch, multitasking, GPS, accelerometers, java support, supports multiple networks (GSM / EDGE, iDEN, CDMA, EV-DO, UMTS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, LTE, and WiMAX) mobile phones and also basic skills in general.
Android version currently available

Eclair (2.0 / 2.1)
Early version of Android that came into use by many smartphones, the main features of Eclair is a total change of structure and appearance of user interface and an Android version of the first support HTML5 format.

HTC EVO running Eclair 2.1

Froyo (2.2)
Android 2.2 was released with 20 new features, including the increase in speed, features Wi-Fi hotspots tethering and support for Adobe Flash.

Gingerbread (2.3)
The main changes in version 2.3 include the UI updates, improved features soft keyboard & copy / paste, power management, and support Near Field Communication.

Ice Cream Sandwich (2.4 or 4.0)
Promulgated on May 10, 2011 in the event Google I / O Developer Conference (San Francisco), Google claims "Android Ice Cream Sandwich" will be used in both the smartphone or tablet.

Honeycomb (3.0)
Android is a version aimed at the gadget / device with a large screen like a Tablet PC; Honeycomb new feature is support for multicore processors and graphics hardware acceleration.
The first tablet is a tablet that uses the Motorola Xoom Honeycomb, released in February 2011.

The main screen Honeycom at Xoom

Google decided to shut down temporarily to access the source code Honeycomb, this is done to prevent cell phone companies to install the Honeycomb on the smartphone.
Because in previous versions of Android that many companies use Android in a tablet PC that cause bad user experience and an impressive image of Android is not good.
Distribution Level Platform APIs
Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) 11 0.3%
Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread) 10 1.0%
Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) 9 0.7%
Android 2.2 (Froyo) 8 61.3%
Android 2.1 (Eclair) 7 29.0%
Android 1.6 (Donut) 4 4.8%
Android 1.5 (Cupcake) 3 3.0%

Data distribution version of Android that circulate in the world until March 15, 2011
Android Applications

Android has a large developer base for application development, which makes the functions of Android becomes more widespread and diverse. Android Market is where Android apps be downloaded either free or paid that is managed by Google.

Android Apps on smartphones

Although not recommended, performance and features of Android can be further improved by performing Root Android. Features such as Wireless Tethering, Wired Tethering, uninstall the crapware, overclocked processor, and install custom flash ROM can be used on Android already diroot.

Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

collection sites blackberry tips

needs freeware, tips and tutorials will be made ​​by RIM smartphone is now provided by this site. Investigations will find here the latest release from RIM, operational tips, video tutorials or guides related to the operationalization of the BlackBerry OS, or download an application supporting applications.
At first glance looks simple enough, but if explored more deeply, many benefits that the bias is taken by the consumer smartphone. for example an article in the articles posted to this site will be quite useful for pengoptimalisasi and treatment of this smartphone. exposure is simple of course makes it easy for visitors to follow the flow description that is given. This will also be assisted with the display screenshots. to help pemahman visitors.
Applications and other freeware applications presented by the BlackBerry support site this is not enough, however the content is already available content herein may be fairly important for users of this smartphone.
Before troubleshooting tips articles exploring the deeper, the site provides in advance the "Guides for Beginner", which is inside visitors can read a guide or manual is standard. Ranging from navigation to specific menus, tips on making an application shortcut, making secret codes and much more. here it is the site for tips on his blackberry www.berrymanual.com visit by you and are looking for tips as much. and visit my blog  
click here.

Rabu, 06 Juli 2011


What's a Android smartphone without support for data services capable
For those of you who crave a CDMA-based Android mobile phone service because the data is not in doubt his speed, there is good news. Karna smartfren recently launched a CDMA Android phone is named smartfren Wide. Actually this phone is the CDMA version of the first Blade ZTE success in mainland Europe.

Wide Name in use smartfren Froyo for Android-based smartphone is not without
Reasons, because this phone has a wider screen than other Android phones CDMA official release in the local market, with 3.5-inch diagonal widescreen display high tech.
Mobile dimension 4.11 x 5.65 x 1:22

Network: 800 MHz CDMA EVDO Rev.A 2000 1Xi
Dimensions: 11.4 x 5.65 x 1.22cm, 100 grams
Display: LCD capacitive touch screen, 256 million colors, 3.5 inches, 480x800 pixels;
Memory: 512 MB ROM, 256 MB RAM, MicroSD up to 32 GB (2GB free)
Connectivity: Bluetooth 2.1 A2DP, microUSB CDMA EVDO Rev. A with download speeds up to 3.1 Mbps and 1.8 Mbps upload, WiFi;
Camera: 3.2 MP (2048x1536), autofocus, Geo-tagging, video recorders;
Features: Android 2.2 (froyo), processor: 600 MHz ARM 11 processor, Adreno 200 GPU, Qualcomm MSM7227 chipset
Other Features: papaya pet, smartfren BackUp, smartfren music, GueBanget, MyCash, Google searc / Maps / Mail, A-GPS, FM Radio, Voice Memo / Dial / Commands, 3.5mm audio jack, the player MP3/WAV/eAAC + / MP4 / H.264/H.263
Battery: 1250 mAh
RUIMenable suppot: Yes
Colors: Black Metallic
Mobile dimension 4.11 X 5.65 X 1.22 cm

is armed with a memory of 512 MB ROM and 256 MB of RAM, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth v 2.1 3.2 MP camera, tethering, FM Radio, MP3 Player, and support for features A-GPS nafigasi.
Smartfren also inject a number of applications flagship applications, such as Papaya Pet where users can maintain a virtual animals in the mobile smartfren Wide, smartfren obstruction BackUp is a service that allows users to make contact on phonbookmke sinkorasi online storage, smartfren Music an application that allows users to download original songs from local and international musicians, GueBangetmyang is a web application to upload videos and watch streaming video, and the terskhir My Cas, a mobile commerce application smartfren that can be used by customers to send a pulse, to access mobile banking bankSinar mas. And in addition to a number of application users must obtain a standard Android application functions.

Wide smartfren marketed for Rp.1.650.000, quite cheap compared to what is obtained, namely the storage card and 2GB MicroSD card and Social smartfren prime advantage of a free Facebook and Twitter without limit, during the active card, also the first since the monthly bonus package card activation.

Monthly bonus package consists of a free 700 MB of data (with a maximum speed of 3.1 Mbps), free 15 000 to all operators (not applicable to premium SMS and international) and free speech for 2,000 minutes to all Smart subscribers and fren.

Selasa, 05 Juli 2011


.Thinking back to her contacts whose numbers add tens or even hundreds of tiring enough, let alone have to do. do not really need so if you have previously made "Back up files" to contact your fuel.

although simple in fact many blackberry users are not aware of that feature. following steps to back up and restore her back BBM contacts.

1. Open your fuel, then press the menu key (the emblem BlackBerry logo on your phone) select 'Options'.

How To Backup Contact BBM2. You will get the option to fuel menyuting search tab 'Backup Management' as the picture above, you'll see three choices, you just select the 'Backup'.

How To Backup Contact BBM3. There are two modes to backup contacts BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) you, 'Backup files remotely' and 'Backupfiles locally'

Backup Files Remotely

Backup files remotely ie backup your BBM contact by registering your email account to be associated with the contact BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) and your saved contact list or BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) in your backups automatically to the RIM servers.

How to backup your BBM contacts with the method of backup files remotely:

How To Backup Contact BBMJika you choose your backup files remotely in order to select the email that you will use for the Register a. Note: if you do not have email, create email accounts for your BlackBerry first.

How To Backup Contact BBMKalau already appears a message like the above, it means the email has succeeded in Register a.

Backup Files Locally

Just as your BlackBerry data backup to a memory card, with the backup files locally, the backup contact your fuel will be stored into the memory card. Note: I would recommend using this method, because sometimes the 'Restore' BBM contacts with the backup files remotely sketchy.

How to backup your BBM contacts with the method of backup files locally, namely:

How To Backup Contact BBMBuka backup files locally, and simply select 'Backup'. If the backup process is finished 'save' it's the backup file your BBM contacts.